Affiliate Investment Membership

$160.00 for 1 year

Affiliates are the employees of Builder and Associate members who reap the rewards of NAHB membership at a fraction of the cost. Builder Affiliate member can represent the builder at events.

Please fill out the application below to sign up for this membership.




    Contact Preference

    If applicable, please list up to two (2) persons from your company, in addition to yourself, from whom you would like name badges for:

    BAEC Sponsor/Member

    Our paramount responsibility is to our customers, our community, and our country.
    • Honesty is our guiding business policy.
    • High standards of health, safety, and sanitation shall be built into every home.
    • Members shall deal fairly with their respective employees, subcontractors and suppliers.
    • As members of a progressive industry, we encourage research to develop new materials, new building techniques, new building equipment, and improved methods of home financing, to the end that every home purchaser may get the greatest value possible for every dollar.
    • All sound legislative proposals affecting our industry and the people we serve shall have our informed and vigorous support.
    • We hold inviolate the free enterprise system, and the American Way of Life. We pledge our support to our associates; our local, state and national associations; and all related industries concerned with the preservation of legitimate rights and freedom.
    • We assume these responsibilities freely and solemnly, mindful that they are part of our obligation as members of the National Association of Home Builders, the Indiana Builders Association, and the Builders Association of Elkhart County.
    PARADE OF HOMES PLUS POLICY: Association members, participating in the event or not, shall not use the phrase “Parade of Homes Plus” without express permission in connection with any form of advertising or promotional activity outside of the Association sponsored “Parade of Homes Plus”. Member will show further courtesy by not conducting an open house during the Parade of Homes hours, unless that open house is normally a part of your open house schedule.

    Application Review Process
    Initial review of applications is conducted by the Membership Committee. Final approval or denial is made by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


    Additional Voluntary Opportunities

    *If you’ve already filled out an application for a membership you do not need to fill out another for additional voluntary opportunties.