PAC the Roof!

PAC the Roof!

        The last three years can only be described as complex! It seems like we have seen it all; Covid, supply issues, unemployment that somehow became a labor shortage, inflation, and now a brewing housing crisis; I shudder to think what’s next (trust me, I’m knocking on wood)!
       Throughout this upheaval, the Indiana Builders Action Committee (IBPAC) and the National Political Action Committee (PAC), which are political lobbyist groups, have been listening and working hard to ensure our industry is heard and protected! They work to eliminate burdensome regulations, promote tax breaks, and combat the supply issue that threatens builders and homeowners alike.  Just recently, with the help of PAC, builders and associates across the nation made national news by sending a clear message to the President about the impending housing crisis. During the height of Covid, PAC helped preserve our right to continue working. IBPAC and PAC also support and contribute to candidates with a history of being business-friendly and pro-growth because our voice would be lost without representation on both sides of the aisle.
            Throughout the last few years, these groups have played a vital role in our industry; while voluntary, the BAEC does collect IBPAC and PAC dues that aid lobbyists, candidates, and organizations who help support us at all levels of government. PAC the Roof will be a fundraiser for IBPAC and PAC.  Donations are not mandatory but welcome as it is important to have groups like these protecting us and our interests.  I encourage you to come and enjoy a relaxing evening of light hors d’oeuvres, guest speakers, and networking and maybe give a little to a worthy cause; so we can continue growing as an industry! 


Aug 18 2022


5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

More Info

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Hotel Elkhart
500 South Main Street Elkhart, Indiana, 46516, USA


Builders Association of Elkhart County


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